Monday 13 June 2016

Klipspringers rock!

When you Explore Africa you come across some amazing creatures that don't really get enuf press. Klipspringers are one of those. Dainty little antelopes that love on the rocky outcrops across the country. In Kruger we call them koppies or Kopjies which is the original Afrikaans word for these rocky outcroppings of granite. They can be from 20-80 meters high and are composed of broken down granite boulders for the most part sticking out of the otherwise sandy soil that prevails in most parts.

I saw these beautiful antelope on the top of the Waterberg mountains in the Marakele National Park and got a few decent pix.

They mate for life and are highly territorial. notice the deep extra 'nostril' on the cheek. It is a scent gland and they mark off their domain with the scent from it to let other klips know that they own the area. Funny thing is if an intruder shows up and its male then the male will fight it off. And they play rough! They have been known to fight to the death! If it is a female then the female fights it off.

Their hooves are hard on the outside and soft on the inside that helps them grab on to the rock and not slip just like the better known mountain goats such as ibex and others.

This pic is from Kruger where the pair was wathcing the car moving at about 150 meters.

They are small only about 3 feet high at best and have hair that is hollow. this helps them stay warm and also pads them if they were to fall. Pretty cool. So like I say come and Explore Africa there is something different right around every corner.

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