Thursday 2 June 2016

Elephants horsing around!

Boys will be boys…… but these guys weigh a ton or few!

Elephant bulls! My favourite animal to explore Africa with. They are just a ton of fun. The young bulls are separated from the breeding herd when they reach sexual maturity at about 13-15 years and the cows of course stay with mom! So the youngsters and all their hormones are slung out on their ears to figure it out for themselves. This is where the big bulls come in.

A big bull, full grown adult male will be the don of a small group usually 2-3 sometimes 7 youngsters who still are on their way to become like him. So the older bull takes care of their education and their manners. The young ones are sometimes called askaris.  Just like a scout master with a bunch of unruly teenagers who have too much energy for their own good. Ha!

He does a good job how ever and the youngsters horse around as all youngsters do under his watchful eye. Sometimes two older bulls with a bond could also be running the show. The whole pushing around thing is to test their strength and determine a dominance hierarchy that will come to a head when it is time to mate. Each will know the others strength and all that.

The poor 13 year old has to wait till he is 35 or so to be able to mate so 20 years of frustration is a lot to carry around and a little horseplay to relieve the tension is just what is needed.

Come Explore Africa and see something new every day! 

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